UKPSC Recruitment 2016 for 138 Posts

Apply now at Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) for District commandant Home guard, Jail superintendent, other posts.

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released a notification inviting all the interested, eligible candidates to apply for Deputy SP / police up Adhikshak, District commandant Home guard, Jail superintendent, other posts.

All the candidates are requested to apply through a prescribed format latest by October 25.

Vacancy DetailsTotal Posts: 138

Name of the Post:

  1. Deputy college UK civil service executive branch: 5
  2. Deputy SP: 17
  3. District commandant Home guard Home department: 2
  4. Jail superintendent/karagar adhikshak: 2
  5. Assistant commissioner finance department/sahayak ayukta vitta vibhag: 32
  6. Finance officer/vitta adhikari: 10
  7. Editor/sampadak Suchana vibhag: 1
  8. Assistant registrar cooperative department/sahayak Nibandhak sahkarita: 1
  9. Sahayak nagar ayukta / sahayak nagar adhikari adhishashi adhikari: 9
  10. Sahayak nagar niyojak awas vikas vuibhag: 2
  11. Commercial tax officer / Vanijya kar adhikari: 51
  12. District saving officer Zila Bachat adhikari: 1
  13. District information office / Zila Suchana adhikari: 2
  14. Feature writer / lekhak: 2
  15. District minority welfare office /Zila Alpsankhyak Kalyan adhikari: 2

Eligibility Criteria:

Education qualification:

All the candidates interested in applying need to possess a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognised university/institute.

Age Limit:

All the candidates should not exceed the maximum age limit of 42 years.

Selection Procedure:

Candidates will be selected on the basis of a written test or interview round.

How to Apply:

Log on to the official website,

Fill-in all the details in the prescribed format

Important Dates:

The last date to apply is October 25.

Click Here to Download Official Announcement : Download Now

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